Monday, 16 March 2020

Review Data Structure 10 Maret 2020 (Hashing & Binary Tree)

Hashing and Hash Tables
-Hashing is a technique used for storing and retrieving keys in a rapid manner.
-In hashing, a string of characters are transformed into a usually shorter length value or key that represents the original string.
-Hashing is used to index and retrieve items in a database because it is faster to find item using shorter hashed key than to find it using the original value.
-Hashing can also be defined as a concept of distributing keys in an array called a hash table using a predetermined function called hash function.

Hash Table
-Hash table is a table (array) where we store the original string. Index of the table is the hashed key while the value is the original string.
-The size of hash table is usually several orders of magnitude lower than the total number of possible string, so several string might have a same hashed-key.

Hash Function
There are many ways to hash a string into a key. The following are some of the important methods for constructing hash functions.
-Division (most common)
-Digit Extraction
-Rotating Hash

Trees & Binary Tree
Tree Introduction
-A tree is a non-linear data structure that represents the hierarchical relationships among the data objects
-Some of the tree relations can be observed in directory structures or organizational hierarchies.
-The node in the tree need no to be stored contiguously and can be stored anywhere and linked by pointers

Tree Concept
Tree is a collection of one or more nodes.
-Node at the top is called as root.
-A line connecting the parent to the child is edge.
-Nodes that do not have children are called leaf.
-Nodes that have the same parent are called sibling.
-Degree of node is the total sub tree of the node.
-Height/Depth is the maximum degree of nodes in a tree.
-If there is a line that connects p to q, then p is called the ancestor of q, and q is a descendant of p

Tree Example
DEGREE of C = 2
CHILDREN of  A = B, C, D
Binary Tree Concept
-Binary tree is a rooted tree data structure in which each node has at most two children.
-Those two children usually distinguished as left child and right child.
-Node which doesn’t have any child is called leaf.

Type of Binary Tree
-PERFECT binary tree is a binary tree in which every level are at the same depth.
-COMPLETE binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible. A perfect binary tree is a complete binary tree.
-SKEWED binary tree is a binary tree in which each node has at most one child.
-BALANCED binary tree is a binary tree in which no leaf is much farther away from the root than any other leaf (different balancing scheme allows different definitions of “much farther”).

-It enables linear traversal of elements in the tree
-Linear traversal eliminates the use of stacks which in turn consume a lot of memory space and computer time
-It enables to find the parent of a given element without explicit use of parent pointers
-Since nodes contain pointers to in-order predecessor and successor, the threaded tree enables forward and backward traversal of the nodes as given by in-order fashion


Sunday, 15 March 2020

Review Data Structure 25 February 2020 (stack & Queue)

Konsep Stack
-Stack adalah struktur data linear yang dapat diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan array atau linked list.
-Elemen-elemen dalam stack ditambahkan dan dihapus hanya dari satu ujung, yang disebut Top.
-Data disimpan dengan cara Last In First Out (LIFO)
Fungsi dalam Struct
push (x) : tambahkan item x ke atas tumpukan.
pop () : menghapus item dari atas tumpukan.
top () : mengungkapkan / mengembalikan item teratas dari tumpukan.
Kegunaan Stack
Stack banyak digunakan untuk:
-Membalik urutan data
-Mengubah ekspresi infix menjadi postfix
-Mengubah ekspresi postfix menjadi infix
-Sistem Stack digunakan di setiap fungsi rekursif
-Mengonversi angka desimal menjadi angka setara binernya
Konsep Queue
-Queue dapat diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan array atau Linked list.
-Elemen-elemen dalam antrian ditambahkan di satu ujung yang disebut rear dan dihapus dari ujung yang lain yang disebut front.
-Data disimpan dengan cara First In First Out (FIFO), ini adalah perbedaan utama antara stack dan queue.
Fungsi dalam Queue
push (x) : tambahkan item x ke belakang queue.
pop () : menghapus item dari depan queue.
front () : mengungkapkan / mengembalikan item paling depan dari queue